
Cat Rambo News from 2005

(5/1/2005) "The Accordion" is online in the May issue of CAFE IRREAL.

(5/31/2005) "Game Instructions" (poem) appears in the latest update of CEREBRAL CATALYST.

(6/10/2005) "Mother's World" was a finalist in the 1st quarter 2005 Writers of the Future contest.

(6/15/2005) Dryad's Kiss appears in the summer 2005 issue of GRYPHONWOOD.

(7/6/2005) The premiere issue of CYBER AGE ADVENTURES, which has my story "Tick Tock Girl" in it, should be appearing in bookstores in the next couple of weeks. You can see the cover at ihero.net.

(7/12/2005) Crayons (prose poem) appeared in CEREBRAL CATALYST.

(7/18/2005) I won second prize in the 11th Chiaroscuro Short Story Contest; the story, "Grandmother's RoadTrip", will appear in the October issue.

(7/30/2005) Completed the Clarion West 2005 Writers' Workshop, taught by Octavia E. Butler, Andy Duncan, L. Timmel DuChamp, Connie Willis, Gordon Van Gelder, and Michael Swanwick.

(9/1/2005) Vespers (poem) published in ANCIENT HEART Magazine.

(9/17/2005) "A Letter to William S. Burroughs" has been accepted for the TALKING BACK anthology from Aqueduct Press edited by L. Timmel DuChamp and appearing in January 2006.

(9/20/2005) My story "Raven" has been accepted to TWISTED CAT TALES, appearing Spring 2006 from Coscom Entertainment.

(9/24/2005) My short-short story, "Lonesome Trail," has been accepted for issue #3 of SYBIL'S GARAGE.

(10/1/2005) "Grandmother's Road Trip" is now up at CHIAROSCURO.

(10/11/2005) STRANGE HORIZONS accepted "Tiger Lily Madness" (poem), which will appear in an upcoming issue.

(10/29/2005) Co-presented "Rayguns, Robots, and Realities: A Science Fiction Workshop" with Vonda N. McIntyre.

(11/01/2005) NaNoWriMo has begun, and I am participating. Wish me luck!

(11/14/2005) Tiger Lily Madness (poem) is up at STRANGE HORIZONS.

(11/19/2005) Passed the 30k word mark on NaNoWriMo!

(11/21/2005) "Schizophrenic Mice" (poem) is up on THE BARRICADE.

(11/29/2005) AOIFE'S KISS took "The Bear". It'll appear in December, 2006.

(11/30/2005) Done with NaNoWriMo, having weighed in with 50,051 words. Many thanks for all the encouragement and good wishes!

(12/13/2005) ABERRANT DREAMS just took "Mother's World" - it'll appear in their April or July issue.

(12/14/2005) "Sony: The Root of the Problem" (nonfiction) is up at DeepFriedRice.com.

(12/15/2005) Intel CEO Scoffs at One Laptop Per Child (nonfiction) up at DeepFriedRice.com.

(12/17/2005) Katie Howenstine and I will be wrapping books at the downtown Borders as a fundraiser for Clarion West Saturday 10-1. Stop by and have a book wrapped!

(12/30/2005) Article covering a demonstration in support of the Antidiscrimination Bill for the SEATTLE GAY NEWS here. (And they used my photos too!)

© 2005 Cat Rambo

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